During my years of research and my PhD, I published some of my work in various journals and conferences. You can find them here!
International Journals
- [ PDF ] L. Brethes, F. Lerasle, P. Danès, and M. Fontmarty.
Particle filtering strategies for data fusion dedicated to visual tracking from a mobile robot.
Machine Vision and Applications (MVA'10), Volume 21, Number 4, pp 427-448, June 2010
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, and P. Danès. Evaluation of
particle filter based human motion visual trackers for home environment sur
veillance. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
(IJPRAI'09), Volume 23, Number 7, pp 1333-1368, November 2009
International Conferences
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, P. Danès, F. Lerasle. Quasi Monte Carlo partitioned filtering for Visual Human Motion Capture. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'09), pp 2553-2556, Cairo, EGYPT, November 2009.
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, P. Danès. Likelihood tuning for particle filter in visual tracking. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'09), pp 4101-4104, Cairo, EGYPT, November 2009.
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, P. Danes. Visual human motion capture from a mobile robot. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'09), pp 829-834, Toyama, JAPAN, September 2009
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, and P. Danès. Towards real-time markerless human
motion capture from ambiance cameras using an hybrid particle filter. In
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’08), pp 709-712, San Diego (CA),
USA, October 2008.
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, and P. Danès. Data fusion within a modified annealed
particle filter dedicated to human motion capture. In IEEE International Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’07), pp 3391-3396, San Diego, CA, USA, November
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, T. Germa, B. Burger, L.F. Marin, and S. Knoop. Implementation
of human perception algorithms on a mobile robot. In 6th IFAC Symposium on
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV’07), Toulouse, FRANCE, September 2007.
- [ PDF ] E. Akin Sisbot, A. Clodic, M. Fontmarty, L. Brethes, R. Alami. Implementing a Human-Aware Robot System. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN'06), Hatfield, UNITED KINGDOM, September 2006
National Conferences
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, P. Danès. Paramétrisation des fonctions de vraisemblance et choix de filtres particulaires pour le suivi visuel. In 17ème
congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'10), Caen, FRANCE, January 2010
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, and P. Danès. Une stratégie hybride de filtrage particulaire
pour le suivi de mouvement humain depuis un robot mobile. In 16ème
congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence
Artificielle (RFIA’08), Amiens, FRANCE, January 2008.
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, P. Danès, and P. Menezes. Filtrage particulaire pour
la capture de mouvement dediée à l’interaction homme-robot. In 11ème congrès
francophone des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur (ORASIS’07), Obernai,
FRANCE, June 2007.
PhD Thesis
- [ PDF ] M. Fontmarty. Vision et filtrage particulaire pour le suivi tridimensionnel de mouvement humain.
Applications à la Robotique. PhD Thesis, Toulouse, FRANCE, December 2008