The blog of an indie game dev !
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Category: News

  • Prologue Release & Polish

    Prologue Release & Polish

    Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. This month has been packed with updates and improvements to Zefyr, and I’m excited to share them with you. Here’s what we’ve been working on: I – Steam Builds Now there are Steam Achievements for the prologue, the demo, and the full game. I’ve built and deployed…

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  • Polish & Fixes

    Polish & Fixes

    Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing well.I’ve been working a lot to improve Zefyr, and this month’s update is pretty huge. I – Polish Levels First, I took some time to rework some pretty old levels. They were functional but a bit empty and rough around the edges. I mainly worked on a mansion, a…

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  • Marketing & Pet the dog

    Marketing & Pet the dog

    Hello there ! Here come the latest news ! Last month I essentially spent my time on 3 subjects: I – Marketing And yes, you know it now, I force myself to spend more time on marketing… and boy is it difficult. I tried to optimize my reddit ads, but I was disappointed in the…

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  • NPC & Marketing

    NPC & Marketing

    Hello there, Here’s the usual update of the last month(es). I mainly worked on NPC & marketing during January & February. I – NPC (Non Playable Characters) During the past weeks, I upgraded my old placeholders for the NPC (the characters you’ll have to interact with in the game). For each NPC, I need to…

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  • Happy New Year & Bug Fixes

    Happy New Year & Bug Fixes

    Hello there, and a Happy New Year to all of you! I wish you health, joy, happy moments with family and friends, and fulfillment in your projects. On my side, the last month has been quite productive with lots of little enhancements. It’s quite pleasing to see all these small upgrades slowly propagate through the…

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  • Level Editor

    Level Editor

    Hello there! Another month has passed, and for once, I’ve focused my work mainly on one thing. Remember my last attempt to create dynamic and slightly authored topologies from the last post? Well, I’ve taken it a step further. It’s now evolving into a level editor for Zefyr, and hopefully, other games. While I’ve already…

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  • Surprise Game & Level Design

    Surprise Game & Level Design

    Hi there! September has passed, and it’s time for a little summary. What’s new this month? I – Marketing I’m still focusing on marketing with ads on Reddit and festival applications. The ads are yielding some results, and I’ve reached 3000 wishlists for the game. It’s not bad, but if I want the game to…

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  • Patreon & Festivals

    Patreon & Festivals

    Hello there, It’s been 2 months since the last post, and I must be honest, it has mainly been due to the holidays! However, I took some time to work on two main things: Patreon I reworked my Patreon page. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a platform to financially help creators (artists,…

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  • 🎺Zefyr Demo is out 🎉

    🎺Zefyr Demo is out 🎉

    Yaaaaaaaay ! 🎉🎉🎉 Here it is! Finally! The demo of Zefyr: A Thief’s Melody is now available on the Steam Page: I really hope you’ll like it! If you want to help me spread the news, you can retweet this: Don’t hesitate to stream it, share it to the world, ask your favorite…

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  • Trailer, Demo coming & free jam game

    Trailer, Demo coming & free jam game

    Hello there, Another month has passed, and with it, a few improvements to the game and other stuff. Let’s start with… I – The Technical Part Firstly, the saves are now encrypted, which prevents “easy cheating.” For example, manually editing the save files with a text editor to add unlimited ammo for the player. Now,…

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  • Polish & Demo Release

    Polish & Demo Release

    Hello there! It’s time for a quick game update! So, what’s new this month? I – Polish I have mainly focused on polishing various systems, including maps, dialogs, and some sounds: Maps showing 2 floors of the same level. Little interjections to give a bit more life to the character. II – Next Demo OK,…

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  • Ocean again, sound design & NPC

    Ocean again, sound design & NPC

    Hello there, Welcome to the April update! What’s new this month? Ocean Gameplay I’ve been working on the ocean gameplay and now, the waves have a real influence on the gameplay! The turtle can move up and down waves and I have also added the ability to jump. This makes the controls more inline with…

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  • Ocean, Saves & Trailer

    Ocean, Saves & Trailer

    Hello everyone, Yes, I’m trying to post a bit more regularly these days. I hope I’ll stick to it. So here’s the summary of what I did this month: Saves As I had some friends test the game, I had to rework the save system. When something went wrong during testing, the save file became…

    Read more: Ocean, Saves & Trailer
  • Tests, UI & more

    Tests, UI & more

    Hello everyone! For once, it hasn’t been that long since the last blog post! Yay!So what’s new since last time ? Tests I’m still testing the full game with a few people. I’ve been correcting some soft-locks, too-hard puzzles, missing dialogs and explanations, I’ve improved mission descriptions… The game is better with each test, but…

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  • 2022 Review

    2022 Review

    Hello everyone, and happy new year! I say this for each blog post, but it’s been a reaaaally long time! Almost one year without writing here. A bad year for blog communication then, but on the bright side, it has been a good year for the developement. Back To Zefyr After working on & updating…

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  • Update of the website

    Update of the website

    Hello eveyone! I finally took the time to update my website! Now you can check all my games at once! Indeed, this year, I’ve worked on a few little games, and in the end, it’s starting to create a nice catalog. So don’t hesitate to take a look, and test them (most of them are…

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  • Silent Night is out!

    Silent Night is out!

    Hello there, I’ve been really underwater lately! And I couldn’t even take the time to officially announce that Silent Night is now available! It’s a game where you play as Santa and you deliver the presents during Christmas Night. You can ride the magic reindeers, explore procedural snowy islands and find the best route to…

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  • Massive Update for Slide – Animal Race

    Massive Update for Slide – Animal Race

    Hello everyone, After a few months of additionnal work on Slide – Animal Race, here is a MASSIVE update! I tried to listen to all the feedback you gave me. I hope you’ll like it! Main improvements: 4 new tracks (Ocre Canyon, The Wave, Boreal Whales, Smooth Dunes) (10 tracks total) 2 new characters (Raccoon…

    Read more: Massive Update for Slide – Animal Race
  • Silent Night & Demo

    Silent Night & Demo

    Hello everyone! If you’re following me on social networks, maybe you’ve already seen this, but just in case… Remember my last post talking about how I should (and do actually) create little games aside from my big one “Ekko – A Thief’s Melody”? Well, here’s a new comer: Silent Night It’s a simple game where…

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  • A new Hide n Seek Game + Demo

    A new Hide n Seek Game + Demo

    If you follow me on twitter, you may have seen some screens of a new game/experiment I’ve been working on. It’s now called “The Great Hide n Seek Expawdition” and it has a Steam page here: And a playable demo is coming for the Steam Next Fest (formerly Steam Summer festival) on June 16th! Don’t…

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  • New tracks for Slide, Animal Race

    New tracks for Slide, Animal Race

    Hello everyone, A quick news regarding Slide Animal Race: I’m currently working on new tracks in order to provide more content (I’ve had some feedback from players about that). So here are a few screens: I plan to add more of course, and these should be released before the end of year. Peace, take care!

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  • A few Blender tutorials

    A few Blender tutorials

    Hello there! It’s been a while! As always, I have many new things to share with you, and not enough time to write about it! But one thing at a time 😀! Today I share a few Blender video tutorials I’ve made while creating Slide Animal Race. It’s the making-of of the penguin character, from…

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  • 🐢 Slide, Animal Race 🐬 is AVAILABLE NOW!

    🐢 Slide, Animal Race 🐬 is AVAILABLE NOW!

    Hello there! Finally some BIG news for me and for my first official game: Slide, Animal Race… It’s now available on Steam! I hope you’ll like it…

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  • Release Date for Slide

    Release Date for Slide

    Finally! After (more or less) one year of working on Slide, I’ve set up a release date on Steam! It’s a big step for me as it’s my first “official” indie game, even if I’ve been creating games for more than 20 years… Already ! Wow! So the game will be available on… February, 17th…

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